Tradition 5: Each Group Has but One Primary Purpose - To Carry its Message to the Sex Addict who still suffers

1. Read the section on Tradition Five in Sex Addicts Anonymous pages. 84-85.
What are my first reactions to the words of this tradition and what I read?

2. Read the paragraph starting with "Our groups dedicated to".
  1. What are our groups dedicated to?
  2. What is our purpose or goal?
  3. What does this paragraph say is the SAA message?
  4. What does Tradition Five state?
  5. How can we be confident we are on the right track?

  1. Is my group dedicated to that primary purpose?
  2. What are the indicators that we are or are not?
  3. Are we dedicated to a specific demographic?
  4. Do we want to exclude anyone?
  5. What are our reactions when someone we want to exclude shows up at our door?
  6. Is our group a social group more than a group that does outreach to fulfill our primary purpose?
  7. What happens when my group doesn't get many newcomers for a while?

3. Read the paragraph starting with "This principle of service".
  1. Where does this principle apply?
  2. What does this paragraph say we attend meetings not just to do?
  3. When we share our solutions, what is the result?
  4. What do we not make our main reason for getting together?
  5. Are we making friends in recovery and are we socializing as a group?
  6. What do we do for newcomers?

  1. Do my meetings offer the solution instead of just being a place to gripe about my situation?
  2. If I have expressed my problem, have I gotten an awareness or insight that may lead me to a solution through changes in my actions?
  3. What is the level of sobriety in my group?
  4. Do we exclude anyone from our group socializing activities?

  1. Do we have a process for helping newcomers connect with a potential sponsor?
  2. Do we have meetings dedicated to helping newcomers learn the basics of the program?
  3. Do we have meetings that are open to educate the public?

4. Read the paragraph starting with "Adhering to our primary purpose".
  1. What are our responsibilities?
  2. What literature do we have available for people?
  3. What atmosphere do we have in our meetings?
  4. Do we start and end on time?
  5. Are we respectful in our meetings and sharings?
  6. What are our business meetings like?

  1. Does my meeting have a supply of SAA literature for new members to take or purchase?
  2. Do we have a subscription to the SAA newsletter and do we make copies available to members?
  3. Do we check out new literature offerings at the ISO?
  4. Do we support those who might write new local SAA literature?
  5. Is my meeting registered with the ISO and can be found on their website?
  6. Is my meeting registered with the local Intergroup and Area?
  7. Do our business meetings have items about further outreach in addition to local service?

5. Read the paragraph starting with "Keeping to our primary purpose".
  1. What do we avoid doing?
  2. Do we allow individuals to gain support from outside literature or agencies?
  3. What do we as a group focus on?

  1. Do we have outside literature that we offer to newcomers calling it "SAA literature"?
  2. Do we allow individuals to express their experiences with self-help, therapies, or religious beliefs without making that a group message?
  3. How tolerant is my group to people who have different religious backgrounds, sexual orientations, and non-traditional genders; letting them share without shaming or denigrating their experience?
  4. Are we willing to say that certain topics (such as politics) do not belong in our meeting?
  5. How does my meeting handle when someone brings up a controversial topic or outside issue?
  6. Do we shut them up or ask them to simply share their experiences and feelings?

6. Read the paragraph starting with "We take care not give newcomers".
  1. What do we not mix?
  2. What do we guard against?

  1. Do we slide towards using religious language as our program instead of phrases from SAA Literature?
  2. Do we see this program as an extension of our religion or therapy?
  3. Do we imply that working the Steps is a religious action instead of looking for the spiritual principles behind the Steps?
  4. In our use of language, do we give space for other religions or non-religions in our meetings including what we use for any prayers or actions to open or close a meeting?

  1. Do our meetings have a way to handle when someone starts to read from or quote outside literature?
  2. Do we have a way to handle when someone complains about the language we are using or the prayers we use to open or close a meeting?

7. Read the paragraph starting with "Tradition Five does not tell us".
  1. What does Tradition Five not tell us?
  2. What does this paragraph say each group needs to work out for itself?
  3. What are there bound to be?
  4. Why do we need to rely on our Higher Power and the group conscience?
  5. What does Tradition Five constantly remind us?
  6. Why do our groups exist?

  1. Does my group rely on just one person to do outreach and /or "12 Stepping" newcomers?
  2. Has my group had disagreements about the best way to fulfill the primary purpose and how has it resolved those disagreements?
  3. How is my group working to keep as top priority the carrying of the message to the sex addict who still suffers while other things interfere (such as issues of money, personalities, and the constant time pressures of society)?
  4. Has my group worked to offer retreats and other events for some members and neglected the newcomer or other specific groups of members?

  1. What implications does this Tradition offer for spirituality?
  2. Does my work have a purpose in helping the community?
  3. At home, do we operate as if our pleasure is top priority or do we try to help others in our community?