Tradition Twelve: Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities.

1. Read the section on Tradition Twelve in Sex Addicts Anonymous pages. 95-96.
What are my first reactions to the words of this tradition and what I read?

2. Read the paragraph starting with "On one level".
  1. In this paragraph, what does "anonymity" simply mean?
  2. What does this help foster?
  3. What does anonymity help prevent?

  1. How does the lack of gossip help to make our fellowship a safer place in which to heal?
  2. How have I seen more experienced members "shoot down" gossip in our groups?

  1. Many of us have family and other concerned people who want to know what is happening in our meetings. They ask us for details about who was in a meeting and what did we talk about. Some clergy are concerned that we will be pulled away from their congregation by being in this group.
  2. What does this tradition suggest how confidentiality preserves the power of the program?
  3. How can we use sponsors, open meetings, and limited sharing of what happened in a meeting to reassure those who have fears about us being in this fellowship?
  4. Does my group have any outreach for the family members or the general public?
  5. What would need to be done to be able to do such?

3. Read the paragraph starting with "On another level".
  1. What does anonymity help us put aside?
  2. How do we act in the fellowship?
  3. What do we need to leave behind when we join together?
  4. How are we important to each other?

  1. What comfort does that give to the new person and the person who is still struggling with their addiction?
  2. What does this paragraph suggest about our outreach efforts such as where and who we are to reach out to?
  3. What does this tradition suggest we share with the still suffering addict?

4. Read the paragraph starting with "But anonymity also has".
  1. What is the deeper meaning that anonymity has?
  2. What as a fellowship are we learning to do?
  3. Who are we to keep in mind in our efforts?
  4. What emphasis do we strive for?

  1. How does this seeking to work together for a common goal strengthen the value of anonymity?
  2. How does this anonymity temper the drive for membership increases, expanded meetings, and financial results that some people bring to the group?
  3. How does anonymity help us to focus on spiritual growth instead of other measures?

5. Read the paragraph starting with "Being in recovery".
  1. What does recovery not erase?
  2. What do most of us experience?
  3. What are our personalities prone to?
  4. What are our boards and service committees founded upon?
  5. What must guide us in our decisions?

  1. How have I experienced the growth of character in this program?
  2. What does that teach me about the value of staying anonymous within the structure of this fellowship?
  3. How does staying anonymous in "service work" allow me to experience the timing of a higher power rather than me driving specific results on my schedule?
  4. How does anonymity allow us to "let go" of service efforts that we started and allow others to modify, cut back, or even stop actions that we started?

6. Read the paragraph starting with "It is anonymity".
  1. On what are we to base our actions and deliberations?
  2. To what do we dedicate our efforts?
  3. What does anonymity protect SAA from?
  4. What is SAA able to do because of that protection?

  1. How have I experienced the freedom that anonymity offers?
  2. How does that help me when dealing with police and other authorities?
  3. How do my experiences with anonymity allow me to offer hope to the addict who is still suffering and who might have legal challenges ahead?

  1. What implications does this Tradition have for spirituality?
  2. How does anonymity allow me to focus on principles in spirituality?
  3. How can I use this Tradition in my family, at work, and in my community?
  4. One saying is, "you can get a lot done if you don't care who gets the credit." What benefits do I see from letting go of my need for accolades, attention, and praise?
  5. How does that help me learn more?
  6. How does seeking "anonymity" in a sense at work or community help focus the environment on our common goals instead?
  7. How does focusing on principles help keep the place safe for everyone and encourage others to step up when they have good ideas?